About Makan Milega Portal

About Makan Milega

India’s Leading Property Search Portal

At MakanMilega.Com, we understand that people everywhere are searching for a home to call their own. We want to make this search as joyful as finally finding the perfect home because we understand that finding a home is much more than an online search!

A home is a cherished memory that lasts forever, it is where the walls embrace memories, the ceilings shelter love and laughter, where the quiet corners offer a much-needed pause and life itself becomes a reason to celebrate.So to make this journey joyful, we begin by partnering with our customers from the start and being there when it matters the most – right from online search to brokers to home loans to paperwork to finally finding that perfect home.

Our Vision

Delivering trustworthy experiences that you cherish for a lifetime. Buying, Selling, Renting, or moving into a house can be a trial by fire, especially in India where we often take the hassles involved in the process as an integral part of the home purchase process. Our new idea for MakanMilega.com questions that behaviour, and motivates them to switch to a hassle-free experience.

Our Mission

To be the first choice for our consumers and partners in their journey of discovering, renting, buying, selling and financing a home. We do that with data, design, technology, and above all the passion of our people, while delivering value to our shareholders.

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